Otorongo is the black jaguar, sacred to the shamans of the Amazon
Healing Visioning Empowerment
. . . toward an Embodied Spirituality

2008 Schedule

Santa Monica     Kloster Gerode     Berlin
2009 2010 2014

Santa Monica, CA

Embodying Spirit
with Malcolm Groome

The Saturday Night Class gives us an opportunity to come together in community to explore an embodied spirituality.  Night dives enhance the aspect of Continuum that is based in the Mystery Schools, as we explore serpentine movement, our fluid ancestry, and a resonance with the Cosmos.  Emphasis will be on dissolving any rigidity of form, surrendering into stillness, and dwelling on that mystical threshold between form and formlessness.  We will be tuning into a Oneness that is at the ground of Beingness, beyond all duality, underneath all manifestation, and allowing this Awareness to permeate and inform our daily lives. 

Saturday nights, 7-10 PM

June 14, 28
July 5, 12
August 9, 16, 23, 30
September 6
October 4, 11, 18, 25
November 1, 8, 15 (7:30-10:30 PM), 22
December 6

There will not be a regular class on Saturday, December 20th.
Instead, there will be a
special Winter Solstice Allnighter,
co-led with Susan Harper.
Special registration is required. Space is limited.
See flyer for information and how to register!

Continuum Studio
18th St. Arts Complex
1629 18th St., Ste. 7
Santa Monica, CA 

Classes are $80 for a 4-class series or $25 per class
Drop-in's are welcome!

Any students new to Continuum are asked to contact me first at:  otorongo@earthlink.net 

If you'd like updates on the Saturday Night Class schedule, please let me know, so I can add you to my class mailing list!  Please note that classes are not every Saturday!!

Kloster Gerode, Germany

With Malcolm Groome
July 24-28, 2008


These times on our planet are extremely challenging.   We need to counteract the stresses and fears that come up, by touching into our bodies and psyches, and lovingly directing them to release the accumulated tensions and blocks that prevent us from experiencing well-being, peace of mind, and alignment with Spirit.  During these five days, we will create a safe container that will help us to enter a deeper and deeper state of surrender into the universal healing power that is available to us.  Working with the art of Council to share our experiences and feel our connection, we will also call on the tools of guided meditation, Continuum Movement, ecstatic dance, and shamanic journeying.


Kloster Gerode, an old monastery set in the idyllic countryside of central Germany, will provide us with an environment where we can access the vibrations of serenity and deep peace, and open to communication with nature spirits and the healing energies of Nature.  As we stand between Heaven and Earth and work with energies of both, we move into a deeper level of Beingness and empowerment in our lives.


More information can be found on the Weg der Mitte website:


For registration, please contact:





Berlin, Germany

With Malcolm Groome
Weg der Mitte
August 1-3, 2008

This workshop is for those who feel that they are going through accelerated transformation at this stage of their evolutionary journey.  We will make use of the transformational energies that are available at this time as we move toward the end of the Mayan Calendar within the next four years.  These times on our planet are bringing more and more challenges and are requiring us to keep pace with our inner growth.

This workshop will provide techniques for opening to our greater Beingness.  We will look at how dualistic thinking has caused us to wall off from this Divine Presence within us.  Using techniques of keen self-observation, we will incorporate guided meditation and shamanic journeying to become aware of and release these obstructions to Spirit.    We will also work with the subtle micromovements and wave motions of Continuum Movement that enhance surrendering at a deep level, as well as ecstatic dance that can put us in touch with strong healing currents.

As last year, we will work together in a Circle incorporating the ancient art of Council, creating an environment of trust where we can speak and listen from the heart, and a safe cauldron for our transformation. 

More information can be found on the Weg der Mitte website:


For registration, please contact:



Otorongo's Lair © 2008 Malcolm Groome